Amanda St. Clair
Kids Coordinator
I said YES to Jesus when I was 6 years old. During church one Sunday I heard the salvation message, I talked to my parents and they helped me pray to accept Jesus in my heart. As a senior in high school, I recognized that I was living a very “routine christian” life. I was always at church, very involved and really enjoyed all of it, but I wasn’t growing in my faith. During a missions trip, I rededicated my life to Christ and made the decision to put in more effort into knowing Christ on a more personal level. I was baptized on that missions trip in the Gulf of Mexico.
After I graduated high school, I enrolled in Youth With A Mission (YWAM). It was there where I really began to study God’s Word and hear from amazing speakers who taught me how to know God and make him known. My time in YWAM (1999 – 2001) was the turning point where my faith became my own.
I married my sweet husband, Kevin St. Clair, in 2004. We met in YWAM Los Angeles and had a blast serving the Lord together! I graduated from Eugene Bible College in 2005 with a major in Christian Counseling.
We have lived in 6 states where we have served in various churches and ministries. We have 3 wonderful sons, Levi (2008), Zachary (2010) and Nathan (2013). They bring tons of joy and energy to our home and I love being their mom!
In 2016 we relocated to Bentonville and we think this is great place to live and raise a family!! I have served at several churches in children’s ministry and love having the privilege to teach our young ones about God and to help them recognize that God wants to use them for His purpose and glory each and every day.
In my free time you’ll find me cooking or baking something and cheering loudly for my boys on the sidelines!!!